Our Focus
The Senta Health methodology is always backed by science.
We know the positive impact that targeted nutrition can achieve, especially during pregnancy, postpartum, and childhood. The Senta Health methodology pairs the latest scientific research with our experience of having already helped hundreds of families.
Can you significantly benefit your baby while in utero? Can you make pregnancy more enjoyable? Can you restore your body after pregnancy and birth? Can you change the nutrient density of your breastmilk? Can you help your baby prevent allergies? Can you expand your baby’s palette? Can you optimize your child’s growth with balanced nutrition? Can you prevent picky eating and reduce it when it exists? Can you mitigate toddler eating challenges? Yes, and our clients have accomplished these goals and more.
At Senta Health, our guides have you covered. Let us simplify things for you. Connect with us to learn more about the Senta Prenatal Guide, the Senta Postnatal Guide, Senta Pediatrics, and Senta Solids.
Does this seem hard to believe? Check out the science:

The Science - Prenatal
Both fetal and early postnatal life are periods of rapid growth and development during which imbalanced nutrition may result in metabolic or body composition alterations for the child
Emerging evidence specifically suggests that an increased risk of overweight/obesity, hormonal imbalances, diabetes and heart disease as children move into adulthood is programmed by nutrition during early life, including what mom eats during pregnancy
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies during pregnancy may lead to adverse outcomes for the child such as neural tube defects, improper organ development, impaired cognitive development, low birth weight, and more
For baby, the addition of certain foods and nutrients can be particularly beneficial for long-term health and may improve cognitive ability, IQ, memory, vision, metabolic health, and reduce the risk of diseases and the development of eczema
For mom, the addition of certain foods and nutrients can ease morning sickness, improve energy, boost thyroid function, maintain bone health, and prevent nutrient depletion and deficiencies

The Science - Postnatal
The mother’s body prioritizes the needs of the baby first in both pregnancy and lactation, many times at the expense of the mother
Important nutrients to replete the mother postpartum, and also promote thyroid health, include iron, collagen, DHA, choline, zinc, iodine, selenium, B vitamins, and vitamins A, C, and D
Pregnancy and lactation deplete nutrients essential to the neurotransmission system. This may be one reason for the increased risk of depression. Targeted supplementation and blood sugar balance can help to alleviate some symptoms of postpartum depression
If you are breastfeeding, studies have shown that maternal diet impacts the concentrations in breastmilk of B vitamins, iron, vitamins A, D, and K, fatty acids, choline, iodine, and selenium. At birth babies’ brains are only 25% developed and many of these nutrients are crucial to baby’s full brain development

The Science - Pediatrics
Brain development is most rapid during the first 1,000 days, from conception to age 24 months, and adequate nutrition is critical for this process. The adequacy of complementary foods to provide some or all of these nutrients may have important effects on child development
From a nutritional perspective, infancy is a critical and vulnerable period. Because of immaturity in tissues and organs involved in nutrient metabolism, infants display a narrow tolerance to deviations in nutrient intakes
Children establish food patterns and preferences early in life, which, if they persist, may have a significant impact on certain health outcomes in childhood as well as later in life, such as overweight or obesity and cardiovascular disease risk factors
How infants, toddlers, and young children are fed, not just what they are fed, can influence health outcomes. Responsive feeding practices that are sensitive to the child’s hunger and satiety cues may influence the risk of overweight or obesity and the ability to maintain self-regulation of energy intake later in life
References: 2020 Dietary Guidelines, Journal of Nutritional science 2017, USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory 2018, World Health Organization 2013, Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine 2017, Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition 2017, Journal of Nutrition 2020, Nutrients 2020, European Journal of Epidemiology 2019, The Journal of Nutrition 2019, Journal of Pediatrics 2006, European Journal of Nutrition 2007, Scientific Reports 2015, The Lancet 2007, Perinatal Epidemiology 2012, Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences 2012, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2014, Pediatric Clinics of North America 2013, Early Human Development 1997, Advances in Nutrition 2012, Pediatrics 1997, Anales de Pediatria 2003, Journal of Neuroscience 2007